Cruor Grimguard

Master Craftsman


Cruor is a model professional and textbook introvert; warm enough to be approachable, but serious enough to inspire complete trust in the quality of his work and sincerity of his intentions. He might annoy the occasional customer when asking for excessive detail on a made-to-order request, but those same customers will be impressed with his willingness to bend over backward if the final product is not to their satisfaction.

He is particularly shy in crowded spaces and is unlikely to ever approach groups of people, but might muster the will to speak to another lone person in such a situation, and is excited and relieved to be approached first. He is an exceptionally skilled people-watcher, and genuinely enjoys finding a good corner from which to observe.

Cruor has little patience for aimless talk; the closer the number of people he is currently speaking to is one, the better, for the conversation will either soon fade to (wonderful) silence or deepen to more meaningful and thought-provoking topics. Besides certain details of his past he considers private, irrelevant, or both, he feels he has little to hide; his honest and open nature allows him to discuss the touchiest of topics with little trepidation, even with strangers. If those conversations lead to struck nerves, the blow will at least be softened by his obvious good intentions.

He is a focused and articulate speaker, but not at all a smooth talker. He is also prone to offering lengthy explanations or analogies, especially if they are related to his work. This may reasonably come across as condescending or elitist if the person he is speaking to mistakes his intent for clarity and detail as an assertion of his superiority. Unfortunately, he is also oblivious enough to subtle social cues to not often notice such an offense is being taken.

Recent History

A man who tends to keep to himself, little is publicly known about Cruor's upbringing - or anything else about his past, for that matter. Gossip among those who have browsed his wares sometimes centers around his physical strength - far greater than one would expect from a mere craftsman. Even fewer claim they have seen terrible scars on his torso, after having peeked in the window while he worked behind a locked door - though it should be mentioned that such descriptions are extremely inconsistent. Most commonly discussed above all else is the puzzling-yet-omnipresent gap between his oft-intimidating appearance and overwhelmingly gentle nature. Almost none believe it to be a mere act; the vast majority consider his sincerity quite endearing, even if they might struggle to feel comfortable looking him in the eye.

The most recent fact that one can be certain of is that he had spent a considerable length of time living in Little Ala Mhigo, among the refugees. Precisely why or how he was allowed to do so is unclear. It was only at the age of 25 that Cruor left Little Ala Mhigo to move to Ul'dah and attempt to qualify as a master metalsmith and jewelcrafter. Were it not for his baseline of metalworking ability and myriad jury-rigging and repair skills - where had he developed such odd methodology? - he surely would have failed, but the masterpieces he presented to each guild were accepted.

Though earning the title of Master was a feat of persistence and skill, the financial solvency of the business he created afterward relied heavily on the kindness of others; Cruor's work is meticulous, detailed, and follows a very specific style. Exceptional quality, always, but he knew nothing of marketing and sales when he began and still barely knows a thing today. The fact that enough of his customers have spread the word for his sake - allowing him to keep his business a relatively low-cost one-man operation - is either an incredible stroke of luck or a testament to the value of his work.

Four cycles have passed since, and Cruor is now 29 years old. Grimguard's, the blandly-titled shop tucked away near The Goblet's Brimming Heart, is no household name but word of mouth is a powerful tool. Weapons, armor, and equipment of all kinds can be found for sale, and recently, rings, necklaces, and bracelets of Cruor's making have found their way into the collections of many an affluent citizen of Eorzea.

RP Hooks

COMMON - Anyone can try these!

Your character has heard of his crafting business - Grimguard's isn't the most popular shop in Ul'dah, but word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Ask him about his work, or, alternatively...

Your character needs some better equipment / a nice new outfit - Place an order with him to make something for you! ((This can be RP-only or an actual in-game trade. Cruor knows how to make practically anything one could ask for, but is best suited to metalwork.))

Just talk to him - Cruor enjoys solitude but is often happy to be approached for conversation. Polite - he will speak his mind, but never with the intent to harm.

UNCOMMON - If your character knows him already, or is feeling adventurous. Don't expect only positive reactions though!

Your character notices a scar or two if Cruor has his sleeves rolled up too far - Where could such a kind man have earned such injuries?

Your character is highly intuitive, detecting a hint Cruor is equally as suited to wielding weapons as making them - Make an attempt to pry for his story. Alternatively, perhaps Cruor could be of use for something that requires some heavy force?

Your character mentions Ishgard, and Cruor balks - Deflection, avoidance. Rare tactics for the honest man.

Your character flirts with him overtly - Careful. Cruor is taken in the romantic sense.

( Made with Carrd )